Talent night fundraiser a big success

PACKED HOUSE – Nachos, cake and refreshments were handed out during intermission of the sold out Killarney Band Talent Night Fundraiser on Saturday at the United Church’s CE Centre. The fundraiser was for the Killarney Band’s upcoming trip to Edmonton, where they will perform at the Winspear Centre, among many other highlights. Saturday night’s event raised enough money, through ticket sales and generous donations, to cover the majority of the remaining payments for the big band trip.

OLD TIME ROCK AND ROLL – T.H.E. kicked off the concert with a performance of the Bob Seger classic Old Time Rock And Roll. Scroll on for several more photos from throughout the evening of the talented members of the Killarney School Band.

HEAD ABOVE WATER – FATHER/DAUGHTER DUO – The second last act of the evening was McCanna Wiesner and her dad, Grant, performing ‘Head Above Water’ by Avril Lavigne. Below, the Sopranos singing group closed out the night of entertainment.

WELLERMAN – The Sopranos (from left): Will Hamilton, Aidan Maurice, Stefen Struth, Josh Nicholson, Graeme Lovett, Alex Glodek, and Lance Briones belt out the Wellerman sea shanty at the Killarney Band Talent Night Fundraiser on Saturday at the United Church’s C.E. Centre. The Sopranos performed the same piece on Wednesday at the Boissevain Festival of the Arts and picked up first place in the Vocal Duet/Ensemble: 18 years and under. Watch for more results from the big Boissevain festival in the upcoming editions of the Killarney Guide.