An artistic journey into light and dark

Exhibition of Jean Harrison’s paintings currently on show at local gallery
A wonderful and vivid catalogue of flowers, animals, and pets is currently on lovely display at the local art gallery.
Local painter Jean Harrison is this month’s featured artist at the Heritage Home for the Arts, and her exhibition, ‘A Journey,’ runs until Saturday, October 29.
“Growing up, I always liked to draw… mostly horses,” said Harrison. “During my 20 years of teaching, art was an important part of my curriculum. Moving into retirement gave me the opportunity to spend more time painting.”
Harrison, who resides in the small community of Holmfield, says she is self-taught as a painter, and began her foray into the evocative medium as a young bride.
“When I was first married, my mother-in-law, Amy Harrison, who was herself an artist, gave me these words of advice: ‘Watch your lights and darks’,” said Harrison. “This has influenced me all the way through my artistic journey. This exhibit shares with you my journey as a beginning artist, to where I am now.”
Harrison’s style of choice is Realism, peppered with a dash of Impressionism, she said. She has worked in both oils and watercolours, and her current focus is on painting with acrylics.
“I identify with American artist Georgia O’Keefe, and her paintings of enlarged flowers,” said Harrison. “These are exciting times for me. There is so much more to learn, so many challenges ahead to work through, and so many pictures to be painted!”
The Heritage Home for the Arts, at 44 Water Avenue, Killarney, is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 12 noon to 4 p.m. Entrance is free.

A GRAND OPENING – Around 60 people attended the opening event for Holmfield artist Jean Harrison (right) on Saturday afternoon, October 8. Jane Ireland (left), arts administrator at the Heritage Home for the Arts, said it was a wonderful turnout for the colourful exhibition, ‘A Journey,’ which runs until October 29. Below, more of Harrison’s beautiful paintings, which often feature animals and flowers.