Public invited to help shape provincial priorities

Killarney meeting this Friday at the Blarney Stone from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The provincial government is inviting Manitobans to participate in in-person and telephone town hall engagement sessions to help inform Budget 2022, Finance Minister Scott Fielding announced in November.
“As we prepare our upcoming budget, our government remains committed to protecting and supporting all Manitobans during the COVID-19 pandemic, while also maintaining our province’s forward momentum toward a full economic recovery,” said Fielding. “We’re listening to Manitobans and want to hear what matters most to you and your families. To accommodate as many citizens as possible, we’re inviting all Manitobans to participate in their choice of telephone, virtual or in-person engagement sessions.”
Sessions started in late November and December with more sessions to be announced in January in Winnipeg and other locations. Additional in-person sessions in January will include Churchill, Thompson, Russell and Dauphin, noted the minister, with dates and locations to come. There will also be additional virtual and telephone town hall sessions in the new year for both Winnipeg and rural Manitoba.
A community meeting is planned for this Friday, Dec. 3 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Blarney Stone Pub and Restaurant in Killarney.
There will be a telephone town hall on Tuesday, Dec. 7, at 6:30 p.m. for northern Manitobans.
Due to COVID-19 public health restrictions, Manitoba Finance asks participants to pre-register and reserve a spot for an in-person meeting or sign up to receive a phone call for the telephone town hall at Participants at in-person sessions will be expected to practise physical distancing. Mask use and proof of vaccination is required.
The Manitoba government also invites Manitobans to participate in an online survey that will launch soon on EngageMB. Manitobans can also email comments and ideas to [email protected] or mail written submissions to:
Minister of Finance c/o budget engagement
103 – 450 Broadway
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0V8
“Budget 2022 will focus on providing quality health care and education, advancing truth and reconciliation, investing in infrastructure and growing the economy as we continue to move forward from the impact of the pandemic,” said Fielding. “We invite Manitobans to help prioritize our investments in these key areas.”The province will release its full public engagement schedule along with the online survey at