Bigger, better bathrooms for Killarney Hospital

HyLife donates $100,000 to the Killarney Hospital Washroom Renovation Project
Tiny, out-dated washrooms, with no wheelchair accessibility, are to be transformed at the local hospital.
And this week the Killarney Hospital Washrooms Renovation Project received a magnificent gift from pork company HyLife, in the form of a very large $100,000 cheque.
“It’s such a big donation for our community,” said an emotional Laurie Campbell, a member of both the Killarney Foundation (which has already donated $150,000 towards the project) and of the fundraising group Friends of Killarney Hospital. “It’s overwhelming. It makes such a huge difference in impacting this project. I am overwhelmed by HyLife doing this.”
Marv Magwood, senior production manager for HyLife in Killarney, turned up at the hospital entrance armed with the massive cardboard cheque on Wednesday, in order to present it to Campbell.
“It’s a good partnership,” he told Campbell. “You guys do a good job here, and we are pleased to help.”
Last summer, inside Patient Room #12, the first of the 16 washrooms was converted and updated, in what was termed a ‘proof of concept’ exercise.
This gave the team a chance to evaluate their costs, see what problems and issues might arise with things like the concealed 1970s plumbing, and make their future plans.
“The scope of this project is to renovate 16 washrooms,” said Campbell. “We have five single rooms, and 11 double rooms. The hospital has an aging infrastructure, and the washrooms are very small, and are not wheelchair or walker accessible. To date we are very pleased to say that we have installed 16 new windows and blinds, and a proof of concept on one washroom in Acute as part of this renovation project.”
Killarney’s Tri-Lake Health Centre was opened in April of 1976, and includes an acute care ward with 27 beds, a long-term care facility (Bayside PCH) with 60 beds, plus the adjoining medical clinic.
The on-going washroom renovation project and RFP (request for proposal) process is being project managed by Prairie Mountain Health. The health authority is working in tandem with both the Killarney Foundation and the Friends of Killarney Hospital group to achieve their washroom goals.
“It’s truly amazing that in these times a company would step up to assist in such a big way,” said Campbell. “We were overwhelmed when HyLife reached out to us about this decision. We have an amazing community here.”

HUNDRED-THOUSAND-DOLLAR HYLIFE BOOST – HyLife presented Killarney Hospital with a stunning $100,000 cheque this week, to help cover the extensive costs of renovating 16 out-dated and aging bathrooms at the facility. From left: Kara Flamond, clinical resource nurse, Bayside PCH; Laurie Campbell, Killarney Foundation Board and Friends of Killarney Hospital member; Kendra Perrin, clinical resource nurse, Acute Care; Marv Magwood, senior production manager for HyLife; and Shawn Lockhart, Care Team manager.

NEW BATHROOM – Inside Patient Room #12, the first of the 16 washrooms was converted and updated, in what was termed a ‘proof of concept’ exercise.
HyLife donations total $750,000 in support of local hospitals during COVID-19
HyLife is pleased to announce a contribution of $750,000 to support local hospitals, they said in a news release today.
From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, health services across the world have been relied upon as the frontline defense of their communities. Hospitals continue to provide critical services to mitigate the spread and effect of disease, and HyLife acknowledges the importance of joining with their communities to help keep them safe.
HyLife has decided to aid the following institutions within their communities:
- Bethesda Regional Health Centre and Bethesda Foundation – Steinbach, MB
- Humboldt District Hospital Foundation – Humboldt, SK
- Neepawa Health Centre (Memorial Hospital) – Neepawa, MB
- Ste. Anne Hospital Foundation – Ste. Anne, MB
- Towner County Medical Center – Cando, ND
- Killarney Foundation – Killarney, MB
“It is important that we do our part to take care of our communities,” said Grant Lazaruk, HyLife’s president and chief executive officer. “We don’t want to take our current situation in Manitoba for granted, and as a company we encourage our communities to remain diligent in practicing the physical distancing guidelines. We want to help ensure our hospitals have the supplies and tools needed to keep our communities safe.”
Hospitals and health care workers have been called on to save lives at this critical time. HyLife recognizes the magnitude of this duty and embraces their social responsibility to take care of their employees, animals and communities.