Monthly Archives: July 2018

Breaking out the bubbly on Killarney Lake

It might well have been champagne bubbling up on Monday evening, as the new aeration system on the lake began percolating to the surface.

CIB judges tour town and country

Two international judges rolled into town on Wednesday, for their three-day tour and evaluation of the local floral beauty, care of the environment, and of the community.

Police searching rural Killarney for evidence connected to homicide

The murder of a Neepawa man back in 2017 has brought a police search team south in order to scour a local area for related evidence.

Ground breaking underway for future lumberyard

Work has begun on a location on the north side of town for a new lumberyard.

HyLife feed mill open house draws hundreds of visitors

The public unveiling of pork company HyLife Ltd.’s brand new $25-million-dollar feed mill in Killarney drew a great crowd on Thursday.