Monthly Archives: January 2017

Killarney Shamrocks finish first in the THHL

The Killarney Shamrocks have captured the 2016/17 pennant in the West Division of the Tiger Hills Hockey League. And with a 7-2 victory over the second place Boissevain Border Kings last Saturday in Boissevain, the Shamrocks assured themselves of a

Scotties coming back to Killarney

CurlManitoba announced Thursday that the 2018 renewal of the Manitoba Women's Curling Championship, the Scotties Tournament of Hearts, will be played in Killarney's Shamrock Centre.

Booster Bucks move big money around town

When a local insurance broker took a gander at some recent ‘buck’ figures, she was pretty surprised at what she found.

Chase the Ace queen scores 9K-plus at Legion

A local nurse who turned over an incredibly lucky card last month says she will be listening to her ‘gut’ more in the future.

Volunteer Medal for Rose Bateman

One of the community’s long serving volunteers has been pinned with a prestigious medal.

Mountains of the white stuff

Two December blizzards, followed by a pair of snowstorms, have heralded a new year rife with the white stuff.